Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I had an amazing steak today...

I would be remissed of my duties as a food blogger to not include the reason as to why I exist, live, breathe, and wake up every morning.

Here's the recipe to a great marinade for any steak- ribeye, sirloin, nystrip, t-bone, well... you get the point!

For an 16oz steak you will need

1/4 cup of red wine
3tbsp of soy sauce
3tbsp of a thick sweet glaze ( I suggest using pomegranate port roasting glaze from williams sonoma)
minced garlic (2-3 cloves)
Garlic Salt

combine all the ingredients together and let your steak marinate for a minimum of 30 mins for more flavor let the steak marinate overnight!

When cooking the steak:
heat pan to medium-high heat
drizzle olive oil or a tsp. of butter and let the butter melt
place steaks on pan letting cook on each side for about 5 -7 mins depending upon how well done you like your steaks....

eat and enjoy =)

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