So, working in the library can be a boring task, but it definitely gives me peace of mind sometimes...I can do aimless things like- update my blog. Purely, because I like keeping a journal, but I hate physically writing... typing = so easy.
I used to work Sunday mornings at the library (12pm is considered Sunday morning) and the first thing I have to do is:
1. update the stamps, meh... not so fun =(
Wow, so I decided that hmm I love the Sunday Paper, its unlike any other day of the week, there are so many sections and added benefits. also p.s., I get to open the Boston Globe
and The New York Times = win win. From this moment I decided- this is a little thing in life that I love, reading the Sunday paper, looking at the coupons and deals of the week... reading movie critiques, attempting the impossible crossword puzzle while- ahh sipping on my coffee = absolute bliss.
This inspired me to write down a list of the little things in life that I love, and so whenever I stumble upon this "little thing in life that i love" I should write it down, document it, unagi it.
First on my list: The Sunday Paper
The Sunday paper is like a good friend you see only so often, but whenever you see them its always good conversation, fun times, relaxing - carefree almost. A friend you dont really discuss work, family, or school with - but art, music, literature, fashion, food... all the comfort things. And that's what I enjoy- my once a week time to spend reading about movies, art, drinks, upcoming events, whatever... ahh c'est si bon =)